- 1M10. Work
- 1M10.10 Shelf And Brick Lift a lead brick up and set it on a shelf.
- 1M10.15 Brick On Table A lead brick on a table does not do any work.
- 1M10.16 Carry A Brick Just carry a lead brick around.
- 1M10.20 Pile Driver A model pile driver pounds a nail into wood.
- 1M20. Simple Machines
- 1M20.01 Simple Machines A collection of simple machines is shown.
- 1M20.10 Pulleys An assortment of large pulleys can be rigged several ways.
- 1M20.11 Pulley Advantage Place a mass on a string over a pulley and hold a spring scale at the other side. Repeat with a mass hanging from a single pulley in a loop of string.
- 1M20.15 Pulleys And Scales Pulley system with scale.
- 1M20.25 Climbing Monkey A yo-yo and a counterweight are on opposite sides on a pulley. As the yo-yo goes up and down, so does the counterweight.
- 1M20.30 Incline Plane Contrast lifting a heavy cart to pulling it up an incline plane.
- 1M20.35 Big Screw A large wood screw and nut (6″-1) show the relationship between a screw and incline.
- 1M20.40 3 Classes of Levers The three classes of simple levers.
- 1M30. Non-Conservative Forces
- 1M30.10 Air Track Compare the bounce of an air glider on an inclined air track with a mass that is attached tightly and loosely.
- 1M30.30 Woodpecker A toy bird slides down a rod at constant energy, giving up energy to friction as it “pecks” the rod.
- 1M40. Conservation of Energy
- 1M40.10 Nose Basher Hold a bowling ball suspended from the ceiling against your nose and let it swing out and back.
- 1M40.12 Accelerometer Pendulum An inexpensive accelerometer is the pendulum bob. When swung through an angle of 90 degrees the accelerometer shows 3 g’s at the bottom of the swing. Alternatively, swing a mass attached to a large demonstration spring scale by a 1 meter string.
- 1M40.15 Stopped Pendulum A pendulum started at the height of a reference line reaches the same height when a stop is inserted.
- 1M40.20 Loop The Loop A ball rolls down an incline and then around a vertical circle. Two versions available: tube rails with ball bearing, and brass with brass cart.
- 1M40.32 Ball In Curved Tracks Balls are rolled down a series of curved tracks of the same height but different radii.
- 1M40.42 Ballistic Pendulum The initial velocity of a dart shot into a wooden pendulum can be calculated based on the height that the pendulum swings.
- 1M40.50 Big Yo-Yo A disc is hung from bifilar threads wrapped around a small axle.
- 1M40.56 Spinner and Pendulum A ball suspended as a bifilar pendulum hits a ball of equal mass free to rotate in a horizontal circle.
- 1M40.60 Height of a Ball Launch a ball vertically to show the interdependence of velocity and kinetic energy.
- 1M40.65 Height of a Spring-launched Ball A spring gun shoots standard and loaded tennis balls to different heights.
- 1M40.73 Magnetic Viscous Drag on a Dynamics Track Energy analysis of a damped mechanical oscillator.
- 1M40.90 Rattleback A piece of carved wood will reverse its direction of spin only when spun in one direction.
- 1M40.91 High Bounce Paradox Flip a rubber popper inside out and drop on the floor. It bounces back higher than the height from which it was dropped.
- 1M40.95 Trebuchet The trebuchet as an example of medieval energy conservation.
- 1M50. Mechanical Power
- 1M50.10 Prony brake A belt fastened to a spring scale that is strung under tension around a bicycle powered pulley.