4F30.96 Carnot Cycle

Carnot Cycle

The results aren’t as pretty as the perfect drawings in the books but it’s real. 🙂

1: Start with aluminum container in cold water,

2: add 200 g mass

3: place container in hot water

4: remove mass

5: place in cold water.

Carnot Cycle Demo
Over-all shot
Carnot Cycle Demo screenshot
Screenshot of P vs V Graph


Carnot Cycle Demo closeup

Location: Heat Engine apparatus D4-4, Vernier LabQuest, Pressure sensor and Motion Detector L5-3, Hot Plate D2-2, Hot Water Pot Rm 61, 1L Beakers U3-5, 200g mass FG-7, carnot_cycle.cmbl availble to wes.edu addresses https://wesleyan0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/vmiglus_wesleyan_edu/Ea0tLqzIGmBBtg4iTkfNOvIBxl5fNLzxEhE3qiJL5AToug?e=fNhled


No PIRA number as it was not published

Piston Dia 3.35 cm
Piston area 8.3 cm^2