- 1G10. Force, Mass, and Acceleration
- 1G10.10 Acceleration Air Glider Accelerate a glider on a track with a mass on a string over a pulley.
- 1G10.13 Acceleration Air Glider on Incline An air track glider is accelerated up an inclined track by the string, pulley and mass system.
- 1G10.11 Constant Mass Acceleration System A glider on the air track is accelerated by a mass on a string over a pulley.
- 1G10.18 Dynamics Track F=ma Vary the force of the fan cart as well as the mass of the cart to show the relationship of F=ma.
- 1G10.20 Acceleration Cart Time the acceleration of a dynamics cart as it is pulled across the track by a mass on a string over a pulley.
- 1G10.20 Uniform Acceleration of a Student on a Cart Have one student sit on a cart attached to a long rope with a spring scale and challenge other students to pull the cart with a constant force.
- 1G20.47 Pendulum Drop Suspend a pendulum from a stick. Drop the stick when the pendulum is at an extreme and the stick and pendulum will fall straight down.
- 1G10.30 Mass on a Scale Hang a mass on a spring scale.
- 1G10.40 Atwood’s Machine Two equal masses are hung from a light pulley.
- 1G20. Accelerated Reference Frames
- 1G20.30 Leaky Bucket A large coke bottle with two holes will not leak water when it is dropped.
- 1G20.38 Einstein’s Birthday Present A ball attached to a tube by a weak spring is pulled to the tube in free fall.
- 1G20.45 Dropped Slinky Hold a Slinky so some of it extends downward, then drop it to show the contraction.
- 1G20.60 Elevators Quickly raise and lower a spring balance-mass system.
- 1G20.70 Accelerometer Cart On Ramp The water surface of a liquid accelerometer on a tilted ramp remains parallel to the angle of the air track during acceleration.
- 1G20.80 Cart and Elastic Band Place an accelerometer on a cart and attach a rubber band to one end. Push the cart down the bench while holding the rubber band fixed.
- 1G30. Complex Systems
- 1G30.11 Tension in Atwood’s Machine Hang an Atwood’s machine from a spring scale and take readings in both static and dynamic cases.
- 1G30.20 Mass on a Spring on a Balance A large mass on a stretched spring is tared on a pan balance. The string is burned and the motion observed.