- 1D10. Displacement in Two Dimensions
- 1D10.20 Cycloid Generator A disc with a piece of chalk at the edge is rolled along the chalk tray.
- 1D10.50 Bee On Edge Of A Disc A bee is stuck on the edge of a vertical rotating disc.
- 1D15. Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
- 1D15.20 High Road Low Road Two balls race – one down a slight incline and the other down the same incline but including a valley.
- 1D15.50 Brachistochrone Two balls released on opposite sides of a cycloid always meet in the middle regardless of handicap. The ball on the cycloid always beats the ball on the incline.
- 1D15.55 Quad Track Balls roll down an incline, brachistochrone, circle and parabola. The ball on the brachistochrone should win.
- 1D40. Motion of the Center of Mass
- 1D40.10 Styrofoam Slab Throw A styrofoam slab with a light to mark the center of mass is thrown.
- 1D40.12 Hammer Throw A hammer with a fluorescent sticker to mark the center of mass is thrown.
- 1D40.21 Dry Ice Puck Dumbbell Two dry ice pucks on the ends of a bar form a dumbbell that rides on a sheet of plate glass.
- 1D40.30 Throw Dumbbell A dumbbell with unequal masses is thrown.
- 1D40.51 Momentum Pendulum A light cart supporting a heavy pendulum is free to move on a track.
- 1D40.55 Air Track Inchworm The center of mass of two gliders coupled with a hoop spring.
- 1D50. Central Forces
- 1D50.10 Ball on a String Twirl a tennis ball in a vertical circle.
- 1D50.15 Arrow on a Disk Mount an arrow tangentially on the edge of a rotating disk.
- 1D50.20 Whirligig A larger mass and a smaller mass are attached to opposite ends of a string, which passes through a handle. Rotate the smaller mass above your head, with the large mass weighing it down through the handle.
- 1D50.25 Conical Pendulum A ceiling mounted bowling ball pendulum is used as a conical pendulum.
- 1D50.26 Plane/Pig on a String Hang an animatronic “flying pig” from a string as a conical pendulum.
- 1D50.33 Carry a Ball A ball is placed in an inverted wine glass and it rotates around the inside at a constant height when the glass is swirled at the right frequency
- 1D50.40 Pail of Water Swing pail in a large vertical circle. The pail may be filled with water.
- 1D50.50 Welch Centripetal Force A mass on a rotating rod undergoes a centripetal force which is measured by the Welch apparatus.
- 1D52.50 Paper Saw A 6″ paper disc placed on a dremmel tool cuts another sheet of paper.
- 1D50.57 Ball in a Hoop A ball on a hoop that is on a stationary drill. The ball moves up of the hoop to a position that depends on the angular velocity.
- 1D50.69 Puzzle A coin in a disk is spun along its axis in order to get the coin to fall out.
- 1D52. Deformation by Central Forces
- 1D52.10 Flattening Earth A spinning copper sphere models the deformation of the earth into an oblate spheroid.
- 1D52.20 Water Parabola A flat sided tank full of blue water is rotated so that the water forms a parabola.
- 1D52.31 Inertial Pressure Gradient A bubble in a tube goes to the center when whirled in a horizontal circle.
- 1D52.37 Centrifuge A hand cranked test tube centrifuge.
- 1D52.40 Rotating Candle A lighted candle in a chimney goes around on a dry ice puck string attached by a string to a pivot.
- 1D52.50 Paper Saw A 6″ paper disc placed on a dremmel tool cuts another sheet of paper.
- 1D55. Centrifugal Escape
- 1D55.15 Release Ball on a String Cut the string while spinning a ball on a bicycle wheel.
- 1D55.20 Grinding Wheel Watch the path of sparks flying off a grinding wheel.
- 1D55.30 Falling off Merry-go-Round Two blocks on a turntable fall off when the turntable is rotated.
- 1D60. Projectile Motion
- 1D60.05 Ball to Throw Provide a tennis ball, soft ball, or whatever ball is requested.
- 1D60.10 Howitzer and Tunnel Displays linear independence of vertical and horizontal axes.
- 1D60.15 Howitzer and Tunnel on Incline Displays linear independence of axes with gravitational acceleration components in both directions.
- 1D60.16 Howitzer with Mass and Pulley Displays linear independence of axes with independent acceleration of cart.
- 1D60.20 Simultaneous Drop Displays linear independence of vertical and horizontal axes by dropping one object vertically and launching an identical one horizontally.
- 1D60.30 Monkey and Hunter A projectile fired at a falling target hits the target.
- 1D60.31 Monkey and Hunter on Incline A simple and effective version using rolling balls on an inclined table.
- 1D60.40 Range of a Gun Shoot a spring launcher at 45˚ from horizontal, then calculate 30˚ or 60˚ and place the target.
- 1D60.50 Parabolic Motion with Rings Set up rings along the trajectory of a ball launched by a spring launcher.
- 1D60.65 Parabolic Water Stream Trajectory A pulser spits out regularly spaced water drops which are viewed with a strobe.