5D Resistance

  • 5D10. Resistance Characteristics
    • 5D10.20 Characteristic Resistance Board with two different diameter wires. Measure resistance or drive a small current and measure the voltage.
    • 5D10.30 Human Resistance Measure your own resistance by holding the probes of a multimeter.
    • 5D10.40 Resistance Model Ball bearings are rolled down an inclined bed of nail to simulate current flow in a wire.
    • 5D10.60 Burn a Resistor Voltage is increase slowly through a resistor until it bursts into flames to illustrate the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in simple DC circuits.
  • 5D20. Resistivity and Temperature
  • 5D30. Conduction in Solutions
  • 5D40. Conduction in Gases
    • 5D40.10 Jacob’s Ladder An impressive demonstration of electric discharge through a gas.
    • 5D40.50 Neon Lamp Resistivity Show turn on and turn off voltages of a neon lamp